American English Speech – Improving Pronunciation and Understanding Basic Language Requirements
- Do you want to learn American English language?
- Do you want to achieve result quickly?


It's not a secret that the most popular language in the world is English which is why so many people across the world opt for different courses to learn this language.

Who should take this course?

This course is beneficial for people – who are more concerned to develop effective and appropriate communication skills and understanding things like vowel and consultant used in American English language without focusing primarily on increasing their vocabulary first, student – who wish to apply for studies in a foreign country where the medium of education is English and actors – want to learn the pronunciation of different words with respect to this language. 

What are the benefits of the course?

- This efficient and effective guide will help you learn:
- Basic grammatical rules
- How to use International phonetic alphabets? (Developing the listening and thinking skills keeping in mind the symbols for sounds)
- How to express different sounds and words using the dialect of Standard American English
- How to use the International Phonetic Alphabet
- Analyze texts for phrasing
- Understanding the operative words, international patterns and degrees of stress
- Proper use of parts of speech in the American English language in order to be loud and clear in terms of speech

Table of contents:

- American English Speech (Succeeding in American English Speech)
- Basics (Introduction to the Basics and Foundation in Sounds)
- American English Intonation (Music of Speech and Deciphering and Creating Patterns)
- Vowels (Introduction to Vowels, Front vowels, back vowels and mid vowels)
- Diphthongs (The So-Called Long Diphthongs and the Always Short Diphthongs)
- The Use of Weak Forms of Words

Author bio:

?This guide has been designed and prepared by renowned professors and lecturers of different universities and colleges across the United States of America.
0 5 0 David Cameroon

American English Speech – Improving Pronunciation and Understanding Basic Language Requirements Learn more

Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
American English Speech – Improving Pronunciation and Understanding Basic Language Requirements
Price: Free
Availability:1 Week
Package Description

- Do you want to learn American English language?
- Do you want to achieve result quickly?


It's not a secret that the most popular language in the world is English which is why so many people across the world opt for different courses to learn this language.

Who should take this course?

This course is beneficial for people – who are more concerned to develop effective and appropriate communication skills and understanding things like vowel and consultant used in American English language without focusing primarily on increasing their vocabulary first, student – who wish to apply for studies in a foreign country where the medium of education is English and actors – want to learn the pronunciation of different words with respect to this language. 

What are the benefits of the course?

- This efficient and effective guide will help you learn:
- Basic grammatical rules
- How to use International phonetic alphabets? (Developing the listening and thinking skills keeping in mind the symbols for sounds)
- How to express different sounds and words using the dialect of Standard American English
- How to use the International Phonetic Alphabet
- Analyze texts for phrasing
- Understanding the operative words, international patterns and degrees of stress
- Proper use of parts of speech in the American English language in order to be loud and clear in terms of speech

Table of contents:

- American English Speech (Succeeding in American English Speech)
- Basics (Introduction to the Basics and Foundation in Sounds)
- American English Intonation (Music of Speech and Deciphering and Creating Patterns)
- Vowels (Introduction to Vowels, Front vowels, back vowels and mid vowels)
- Diphthongs (The So-Called Long Diphthongs and the Always Short Diphthongs)
- The Use of Weak Forms of Words

Author bio:

?This guide has been designed and prepared by renowned professors and lecturers of different universities and colleges across the United States of America.

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American English Speech – Improving Pronunciation and Understanding Basic Language Requirements Learn more
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American English Speech – Improving Pronunciation and Understanding Basic Language Requirements
Price: Free
Availability:1 Week
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