Promoting a Culture that Promotes Success

Like all fields of life, businesses go through all kinds of situations. There are good and bad times which an entrepreneur has to brave in order to survive in the business in the longer run. It is important to stay steadfast when conditions are tough. It is important the right partners are selected so that they do not abandon you at the time of need. Similarly, it is important to make the experience of the employees worthwhile as this way they are more willing to put in their best effort and the chances to achieve success increase greatly.

Why you should take this lecture?

This lecture will help you understand the various issues you may face as an entrepreneur and how to cope with them. It will also enlighten you on building values of your company and how they impact in a positive manner for a business.

Who will benefit from this lecture?

Entrepreneurs will greatly benefit from the talk as they will be able to see a different perspective about running an organization. It will also help startups to mend their ways and get better as it inspires them to make the right decisions in the right manner.

Table of Contents

- Choosing the right partners for your business.
- Dealing with failures.
- Protecting your organizational culture.
- Valuing your employees.
- Having a strong decision making process in place.
- Helping people to excel.  

Author Bio

Janice Fraser is the CEO and founding partner of Adaptive Path. She has been working in the industry for many years and pioneered consumer web applications for Netscape in the mid 1990’s. She has found four startup companies in her career. Janice often gives guest lecturer at Haas, CCA, Stanford and the Presidio Graduate School of Management. She has taught interaction design at SFSU.
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Promoting a Culture that Promotes Success Learn more

Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
Promoting a Culture that Promotes Success
Price: Free
Availability:1 Week
Package Description


Like all fields of life, businesses go through all kinds of situations. There are good and bad times which an entrepreneur has to brave in order to survive in the business in the longer run. It is important to stay steadfast when conditions are tough. It is important the right partners are selected so that they do not abandon you at the time of need. Similarly, it is important to make the experience of the employees worthwhile as this way they are more willing to put in their best effort and the chances to achieve success increase greatly.

Why you should take this lecture?

This lecture will help you understand the various issues you may face as an entrepreneur and how to cope with them. It will also enlighten you on building values of your company and how they impact in a positive manner for a business.

Who will benefit from this lecture?

Entrepreneurs will greatly benefit from the talk as they will be able to see a different perspective about running an organization. It will also help startups to mend their ways and get better as it inspires them to make the right decisions in the right manner.

Table of Contents

- Choosing the right partners for your business.
- Dealing with failures.
- Protecting your organizational culture.
- Valuing your employees.
- Having a strong decision making process in place.
- Helping people to excel.  

Author Bio

Janice Fraser is the CEO and founding partner of Adaptive Path. She has been working in the industry for many years and pioneered consumer web applications for Netscape in the mid 1990’s. She has found four startup companies in her career. Janice often gives guest lecturer at Haas, CCA, Stanford and the Presidio Graduate School of Management. She has taught interaction design at SFSU.

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This billboard titled "Promoting a Culture that Promotes Success" was created by Janice Fraser on 06 September 2013 and is available for Free. Current reach of this billboard is 662 users.

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Promoting a Culture that Promotes Success Learn more
Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
Promoting a Culture that Promotes Success
Price: Free
Availability:1 Week
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