Need to make an agreement with someone? Protect yourself with a simple, binding legal contract.

Every day we make agreements with people to do (or not to do) things. “I'll meet you at 3 for lunch” and “If you are selling that television I will buy it” are just two simple silly examples. As these are usually agreements between people who know each other, what you are each agreeing to is implied. These agreements are also simple enough that you don't need pages of written text to specify how it all will work.

What happens though when you need to enter an agreement with a stranger on something as complex as building their porch, or the sale of a business?

A contract is simply an agreement where the duties and obligations that the parties involved are clearly defined in such a way that the terms are binding in law, and able to be enforced. This helps to prevent misunderstanding or disagreement, and protects both parties from legal action.

You probably encounter contracts almost every day. However few people understand what it takes to make a contract valid. Getting legal agreements and contracts drawn up is usually expensive, time- consuming, complicated, and inconvenient.

We will provide you with a simple, powerful, legally binding contract written from scratch that is valid and legal for use in the United States, and can be used either for yourself or for a company.

Types of legal contracts offered;



    Buy / Sell agreements (excluding cars or motorcycles),




    (Constant communication will be necessary for a proper contract to be produced. Note that though the contract will be simple, legal, and binding, all instructions must be followed or else it may null and void the contract. We cannot be held responsible for damages resulting form an incorrectly executed contract.)

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0 0 10 Jennifer Stones

Need to make an agreement with someone? Protect yourself with a simple, binding legal contract. Learn more

Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
Need to make an agreement with someone? Protect yourself with a simple, binding legal contract.
Price: $10 Purchases:0
Availability:1 Week
Package Description

Every day we make agreements with people to do (or not to do) things. “I'll meet you at 3 for lunch” and “If you are selling that television I will buy it” are just two simple silly examples. As these are usually agreements between people who know each other, what you are each agreeing to is implied. These agreements are also simple enough that you don't need pages of written text to specify how it all will work.

What happens though when you need to enter an agreement with a stranger on something as complex as building their porch, or the sale of a business?

A contract is simply an agreement where the duties and obligations that the parties involved are clearly defined in such a way that the terms are binding in law, and able to be enforced. This helps to prevent misunderstanding or disagreement, and protects both parties from legal action.

You probably encounter contracts almost every day. However few people understand what it takes to make a contract valid. Getting legal agreements and contracts drawn up is usually expensive, time- consuming, complicated, and inconvenient.

We will provide you with a simple, powerful, legally binding contract written from scratch that is valid and legal for use in the United States, and can be used either for yourself or for a company.

Types of legal contracts offered;



    Buy / Sell agreements (excluding cars or motorcycles),




    (Constant communication will be necessary for a proper contract to be produced. Note that though the contract will be simple, legal, and binding, all instructions must be followed or else it may null and void the contract. We cannot be held responsible for damages resulting form an incorrectly executed contract.)

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This billboard titled "Need to make an agreement with someone? Protect yourself with a simple, binding legal contract." was created by Jennifer Stones on 05 November 2013 and is available for purchase for $10. Current reach of this billboard is 1196 users.It has been vouched by 1 user.

Price:$10 Purchases:0
Availability:1 Week
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Need to make an agreement with someone? Protect yourself with a simple, binding legal contract. Learn more
Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
Need to make an agreement with someone? Protect yourself with a simple, binding legal contract.
Price: $10 Purchases:0
Availability:1 Week
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